Firefighters Museum
of Dutchess County
In January of 2008 a group of four firemen got together to discuss the “old times”. As we lose another apparatus, firehouse and even a member, another piece of our history is lost. It was decided we need to make a commitment to establish a means of preserving what pieces of our history we have left and collecting found items of our past to display. On October 9, 2008, the first meeting of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum was held. The board of directors consisted of eleven local residents who all shared the same desire to see a fire museum created here in the county. In 2012, the board of directors was increased to allow for a maximum of twenty-three Directors. (view Board of Directors)
On February 18, 2009 the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum was granted 501(c)3 status by the Federal Internal Revenue Service. On May 17, 2011 the museum was incorporated under the rules and regulations of the State of New York as well as receiving a provisional charter as a museum from the University of the State of New York.
The board of directors wishes to recapture and maintain the history of the fire service of Dutchess County. The task is not just to create a building to hold a collection of historic items, but also to provide educational presentations on fire service history and fire safety to the communities of Dutchess County. In order to move the concept forward in a professional manner, the board has expanded to include interested individuals outside the realm of firefighting. This was done in order to take advantage of the expertise of others such as those in financial, legal, fundraising, public relations, and other arenas.
The purpose of the museum is to educate the public about fire safety and the history of firefighting in Dutchess County from its inception to the present. This is accomplished through interpretive exhibits, educational programming and extensive research. The programs we anticipate providing is entertaining, educational and enjoyable.
Dutchess County residents are aided by one "paid" fire department and six paid/volunteer departments. The remainder of the county is fully protected and served by thirty "full-volunteer" departments. Because of this fragmentation and separation in locale, many department’s history and contribution to Duchess County is in danger of being lost. The establishment of Dutchess County Firefighting Museum will allow for this history to be captured and maintained for the future enjoyment and education of others.
Goals and Objectives
Compromised of both career and volunteer firefighters, our board has come together to establish a museum for the benefit of the residents of Dutchess County. The museum serves to recognize those who have given so much of themselves in dedication to the safety of others.
The goals and objectives of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum can be found in its Mission Statement. One goal is to build a museum to showcase the history of firefighters and firefighting in Dutchess County. Another goal is to provide educational opportunities to the general public, especially youth, focusing on the importance of fire safety.
As a non-profit, tax exempt educational museum, our purpose is to exhibit artifacts and historical items related to Dutchess County Fire Departments. This will be done through the acquisition, identification, preservation and display of fire apparatus, ancillary equipment, and artifacts that represent the historical evolution of firefighting in our towns.
Regardless of paid/volunteer status, rank, race, ethnicity, religion or sex, we honor all who have dedicated their lives in some fashion to the fire service.
Education shall be provided by members and supporters through various public activities such as classes, demonstrations and displays, as well as the utilization of the apparatus and equipment at remote locations within the county. We wish to reach as many as possible while providing useful and important education. Goals also include:
Identifying a suitable location for the museum.
Performing the work necessary to construct, modify and correct a facility to allow safe occupancy and use.
Identify the equipment and apparatus that is both necessary and appropriate to fulfill the intent of the museum.
Establish a Collections Management Policy, to include not only acquisition of historical related items, but to also to address the correct and necessary requirements for storage, preservation and display of the items.
Establish sustaining membership for the museum to insure its continuance.
Seek public support through local and regional advertising and obtain affiliation with recognized historical, educational, and technical organizations who share similar goals and objectives.
Establish consistent revenue to maintain the facility
Continue process of acquiring museum display items of historical significance.
Provide various educational programs
Enhance board knowledge and expertise through attendance at NYCOM workshops.
Establish by-laws
Establish an outreach program through acquisition and use of a mobile vehicle.
Expand board to include members who possess expertise which may be beneficial to our organization.
The officers and board of directors have considerable knowledge and experience with respect to the fire service. Members have served in all capacities from Firefighters, Officers, Fire Chiefs, and Fire Commissioners. These members provide a wealth of knowledge upon which to establish and maintain the Firefighter's Museum of Dutchess County.