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Business Plan of FMDC


Dutchess County Firefighters Museum Business Plan


Goals and Objectives


The goals and objectives of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum can be found in its Mission Statement, and defined into two endeavors, one of which is maintaining a museum to showcase the history of firefighters, and firefighting in Dutchess County, and the second is providing educational opportunities to the general public, especially youth  on the importance of fire and life safety.


As a Non-profit, Tax Exempt educational museum, its purpose is to preserve and exhibit artifacts and historical items related to Dutchess County Fire Departments, by collecting, preserving, recording and exhibiting items of historical interest and value to the public. This will be done through the acquisition, identification, preservation, and display of fire apparatus, ancillary equipment, and artifacts representing the historical evolution of firefighting and the firefighters in Dutchess County.


It does so by interpreting the sociological, economic, and technological influences on the fire departments through their history, as well as serve as a memorial to all firefighters in Dutchess County regardless of career or volunteer, rank, race, color, religion, or sex, who have dedicated their lives in some fashion to the fire service.


Education shall be provided through efforts of the members and supporters of the museum though various public activities, to include but not be limited to on museum site classes, demonstrations, and displays, as well as the utilization of the apparatus and equipment at remote locations within the County in order to reach the largest possible audience, and bring attention to our goals.




As with most successful enterprises, the endeavor began with a thought. The thought of establishing a museum by one officer turned into a discussion with others who shared the same interest and passion about firefighting.  That discussion then developed into an idea and a eventually a realization that the idea could in fact become a reality. The idea further developed towards becoming reality by involving others, most now as officers of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum who possessed interest, desire and foresight to continue the idea and maintain a continuing success.


The officers of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum bring all the necessary attributes required for a successful enterprise.  The knowledge, abilities, and skills of those as officers can be established by a review of their biographies.  The individuals bring a wealth of experience, from diverse backgrounds and interests, that when joined together form a group that as a whole, establishes a strong foundation upon which a successful museum can be built. Compromised of both career and volunteer firefighters, with vastly differing backgrounds, they have all come together to coordinate their efforts and desires into establishing a museum for the benefit of the residents of Dutchess County to recognize those that give so much so others may be safe.


In order to move the concept forward in a professional manner, the board was expanded to include interested individuals outside the realm of firefighting. This was done in order to take advantage of expertise found in other areas, including but not limited to finance, legal business, fundraising and public relations.  




The primary goal for the museum is no different from the goal of any other group or organization; that being success. The immediate short term goals that are established are the building blocks for the long term success of this endeavor. The short term goals include establishing public support for the museum, and its endeavors. One of the main goals was to establish a clear and concise business plan in order to identify all the objectives, and further identify all the needed effort to turn them into reality. The goals include but are not limited to:


  • Identifying a suitable location and venue in order to proceed.

  • Performing, or causing to be performed such work as necessary to construct, modify and correct facilities to allow safe occupancy and use.

  • Identify the equipment and apparatus that is both necessary and appropriate to fulfill the intent of the museum.

  • Establish a Collections Management Policy, to include not only acquisition of historical related items, but to also to address the correct and necessary requirements for storage, preservation and display of the items.

  • Establish sustaining membership for the museum to insure its continuance.

  • Provide for public support through local and regional advertising, and affiliation with recognized historical, educational, and technical organizations who share similar goals and objectives.

  • Establish a revenue income stream to maintain the facilities, and continually acquire varied and interesting items for display and use.

  • Provide for a scheduled program of instruction and education that increases interest in the museum while contributing to enhanced safety from fire.

  • Any and all actions appropriate to establishing a firefighting museum.

  • Enhance board knowledge and expertise through attendance at NYCOM workshops on non-profits.

  • Establish by-laws, a Mission Statement and Vision Statement.

  • Establish an outreach program through acquisition and use of a mobile vehicle.

  • Expand Board of Directors with expertise in fields outside the fire service.





The Officers and Board of Directors brings considerable knowledge and experience with respect to the fire service. Members have served in all capacities from Firefighter, to Officer, to Fire Chiefs, as well as Fire Commissioners. Extensive years of this knowledge and experience exist both in volunteer and career capacities. These provide a solid knowledge base upon which to provide positive and constructive information for us in establishing and maintaining a fire museum.


Products and Services


The mission of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum is to preserve the history of the Dutchess County and firefighting through the collection and preservation of artifacts, documents and photographs. The purpose of the Museum is to educate the public about fire safety and the history of firefighting in Dutchess County from its inception to the present. This is accomplished through interpretive exhibits, educational programming and scholarly research. The service we anticipate providing is entertainment and enjoyment that is gained from attendance at a recognized museum, as well as proving enhanced knowledge and interest through educational programs and objectives.  The product is personal satisfaction, and enhanced knowledge about local firefighting and firefighters in Dutchess County.


There is no other firefighting museum or similar venue in Dutchess County New York either in current format or in historical efforts. A search of public records notes the existence of other firefighting museums, all of which are located remotely form this one. The nearest museum to this proposed one is located in Kingston, New York, approximately thirty (30) miles distance, and is specific to the fire department, and related information associated only with the City of Kingston.


The museum is anticipating providing a location and venue for the observance of historic fire equipment, and apparatus associated with the County of Dutchess. It is anticipated to provide an adequate location for an operating museum facility to include an apparatus display area as well as providing an education foundation for instruction of school age children beginning in the grade school level. Education is a primary focus of programs at the Museum. Educational program content is guided by it’s relevance to the mission statement. Programs are designed to provide the participants with opportunities to understand how fire safety and prevention directly affect their daily lives, and the lives of their neighbors in Dutchess County.


With the dedication to local interest, we have gained the support of the multiple local departments, and their committed cooperation and support. The museum will also help to assist in their continuance. One vital service that we will provide is the highlighting of the important role that the local fire departments provide, and thus the museum will help to generate interest to the public in becoming involved in this historical type of public service. It is the vision of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum to present exhibits that are tangible expressions of the history of the Dutchess County and its many departments. The goal in presenting exhibits is to entertain, educate, and guide the public in the pursuit of new interests. Exhibits also are designed to provide the public with a better understanding of the origins and growth of present community interests, activities, and attitudes. These goals are accomplished by using objects, documents and photographs to interpret the past and present experiences with the community. 


The County of Dutchess is protected from fire by one fully career department, six combination career and volunteer departments. The remainder of the county is fully protected and served by thirty all volunteer departments. Because of this fragmentation, and separation in locale, much of each department’s history and contribution to Duchess County is, and is in ever present danger of being lost. The establishment of a Dutchess County Firefighting Museum will allow for this history to be captured and maintained in the future for the enjoyment and education of others.


Market potential


We start with one critical component over any possible competition in this endeavor.  There is no competitor we know of that can offer the unique visual and hands on learning experience for children and adults as provided by the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum. Being a Non-profit organization, the financial demands are lessoned by the need to generate profit above and beyond the funds necessary to insure our continued existence. Through our principal focus of visual displays targeted to all age groups, we are positioned as the premier source of fire history, education, and safety and enjoyment for the entire Hudson Valley area. This is further enhanced by the varied level of support from the many fire related organizations that support our goals and endeavors, and wish to contribute to our success. Our offerings include a diverse range of programs and activities on a revolving calendar basis, ensuring a fresh experience for even the most of our frequent visitors.


A key strategy for the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum is a structured tier type membership growth as a mechanism to drive recurring revenue. By extending a value proposition to our target market in the form of comprehensive membership benefits, we expect to quickly expand our membership. Our membership plan is still being constructed, but anticipates being structured to allow members to determine the frequency of visits to the museum and the degree of participation in special programming. We may consider multiple levels of membership that may include levels identified with fire department positions and rank, such as "Firefighter Membership," "Lieutenant," "Captain," "Deputy Chief", and “Chief”. Also considered is to differentiate between those people who are residents of Dutchess County, and those who support us and our endeavors but are not current residents, many of whom may be retired and relocated, but still maintaining an interest. All members will receive a discount on retail purchases, special programming, and notification of special events. We anticipate establishing a newsletter, most likely on a quarterly basis for our members. Our newsletter will keep members informed and involved. It will also offer a timely cost effective method of communication.  Our diverse calendar of programs and events, coupled with the uniqueness of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum, we feel will provide for high member retention rates. 


Closely related to membership, but anticipated to be a larger source of revenue, are fees from visitors to the facility as well as group and school tours. Through a grassroots approach, we will continually communicate the compelling influence and value that attendance at Dutchess County Firefighting Museum will deliver to adults, children, and their families. Targeted advertising and networking throughout a very active local community will allow us to focus on continually bringing first time attendees to the museum. Once inside, we will rely upon the dynamic environment and our staff to spark interest in our programs and workshops. We will also employ Public Service Announcements (PSAs) on radio stations and well- timed press releases as effective and affordable vehicles to deliver our message.


As part of our efforts to determine our market presence, the officers and directors have begun to identify school age children from Kindergarten to twelfth grade by district that would benefit from our presence and would enjoy a visit as a class activity. The latest available date for the 2009 school year, as available from the New York State Education Department has determined the enrollment of 45,540 students who we feel would be interested and would benefit from our many varied and planned educational programs, demonstrations, and activities.


Additionally, the Dutchess County Department of Emergency Response accounts for approximately 2,500 firefighters who are active in Dutchess Counties many departments. Additionally, this figure is supplemented by retired, or exempt personnel which we feel can conservatively be estimated at a greater number than active personnel for a total exceeding 5,200.  


The above numbers represent a small portion of Dutchess Counties 300,000+ residents who have or share a specific interest, and do not include those that will have an interest, but do not fall into either specific group. 


Print advertising will be limited and placed in the less expensive local media such as the Poughkeepsie Journal, and the Southern Dutchess News.  We plan to distribute flyers through local community groups. The town of Poughkeepsie area has highly active community groups who provide a proven communication network throughout the area. These civic organizations coupled with specific child oriented groups (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, AYSO Soccer, etc.) have shown to be receptive to similar messages in the past and directly reach our initial target market. As we expand our presence in the Hudson Valley area, we will scale our advertising accordingly: Hudson Valley magazine and the weekend sections of the major newspapers.


On-site marketing for workshops and special events represents an economical and effective way to generate revenue. By reaching attendees, people who have already made the initial step to engage in our experience, we anticipate a high degree of interest and participation in revenue producing activities such as fire safety workshops and special events.


We recognize that a strong Internet presence is an opportunity to extend our market reach in a manner consistent with our mission. Initially, our direct marketing efforts will be locally focused, but we will rely upon a dynamic and informative website to support our efforts, while broadcasting our message to a much larger audience. The goal of our site is to create interest, inform and entertain visitors, facilitate requests for membership, renewals and registrations, and generate additional revenue through our online store. We will direct visitors to our site through consistent references in all of our marketing materials and the strategic placement of links to our site from other related websites.     


Building and maintaining a solid database of potential customers will be critical to the success of our outreach programs. We are currently in the process of developing a database of contact persons at all local and nearby County schools, community groups, and private organizations whose programming serves the youth of the Hudson Valley and surrounding communities. Examples include Dutchess County Public Library branches, local public, private, and parochial elementary and high schools, Hudson Valley Athletic Leagues, local and regional Girl and Boy Scout troops and service units, Explorer Program’s, children's retailers, local churches, daycare centers and preschools, sports programs, teacher stores, local civic associations, and pediatric dentist and doctor offices. We are planning direct mail and telemarketing campaigns, and will offer general informational on-site outreach to all interested groups. Additionally, we are developing a prospect database of persons who may be interested in making a financial contribution and/or contributing their time as volunteers.


Marketing Strategy


The Officers and Directors of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum believe that the existence of the museum will speak for itself. A significant amount of information has already been communicated about this and will continue to be. The officers and directors also fully understand the need to be pro-active in their endeavors to market the museum.


Personal visits and presentations have been taken, and will continue to be given to the Dutchess County Chiefs Association, The Fire Advisory Board, Dutchess County Volunteer Fireman’s Association, the career fire department unions associated with the International Association of Firefighters, as well as other fire service organizations and groups who maintain a presence in the county.


The organization has procured its own web site domain and internet presence at and has noted the existence of it on all its stationary used for communications. The web site lists points of contact, informative articles, and current information to those that visit it. Regular updates of information and events are made to insure timeliness of all updates, and generate interest for those that are first time visitors, to return again. Additionally, the web site hosts a marketplace for the purchase of memorabilia type items but to enhance marketing as well as generate some sustainable revenue for the organization. Efforts are being made to establish museum representation at local fire department carnivals outings, and other activities in an effort to spread the word and further publicize the endeavors and plans of the Dutchess County Firefighters Museum.


A major form of communication is the benefits of the personal communications of the officers and directors of the museum. As noted in Experience, all the individuals bring recognized professional backgrounds with them and a significant number of years in the fire service in many varying capacities. They are, or have been active and respected members of fire departments, and fire organizations in Dutchess County, and bring that positive image to the museum they represent, as well as a wealth of information that can only have a positive influence on the endeavors of the museum.


Additionally, as noted earlier, we will rely on Public Service Announcements on local radio stations, as well as selective use in local publications including but not limited to the Poughkeepsie Journal, and other local print media to continue marketing the museum in a positive light.


Efforts are also being put forth to forge a relationship with Dutchess Community College, through its growing Fire Science Associate degree program. Dutchess Community College currently provides varied fields of education to a significant number of county residents. With a 2012 enrollment exceeding 10,000 students and 100,000 hours of curriculum, Dutchess Community College has a reputation in the field of education that is a perfect complement to the educational goals of the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum. 


Financial Projections

The museum initially is planned to be staffed, monitored, and run part time by an entirely voluntary group of officers and directors, all who will do so without compensation.  As interest and interest and attendance increases, a future consideration is the installation of a professional staff to administer the functions of the museum in order to offer the best quality experience to all the visitors.  Initially, the museum stands to benefit financially by eliminating a salary expense, because all those that will donate their time and effort are well versed in the field of firefighting operations, and equipment and can provide the necessary professional expertise at no cost. It is hoped, and even expected that the Dutchess County Firefighting Museum will grow quickly and expand to the point where salaried staff become both a necessary and affordable option.


Annual Review of Plan

The above Business Plan is reviewed annually and updated as needed.



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